鸿文书院 > 女生耽美 > Trio of Passion最新章节列表

Trio of Passion

最后更新:2023-07-18 04:21:29最新章节:Rough Raph(1)


This is a collection of erotica bonus stories of Love at Dawn/Dawn in the Foggy Dew. Here, Edith, Raphael, and Andre are going to explore different paths towards a happy ending.

Story 1: What if Andre successfully escaped on the ninth day of Thermidor?

Story 2: What if Edith agreed to run away with Raphael on the night of his exile?

Story 3: What if Raphael was reincarnated on March 29, 1794?

Story 4: What if Raphael joined the Thermidorists?

Story 5: What if Edith, Raphael, Lucas, and Andre lived in the 21st century?

And more to come...


作    者:克拉克拉

最后更新:2023-07-18 04:21:29  直达底部

最新章节:Rough Raph(1)

《Trio of Passion》最新章节(提示:已启用缓存技术,最新章节可能会延时显示。)
Rough Raph(1) Trio in the Carriage(2)
《Trio of Passion》正文
Trio in the Carriage(2) Rough Raph(1)
最新小说: 被绝嗣首长巧取豪夺,她一胎三宝 蚀骨宠婚:早安,老婆大人 借我七年青春 王妃生存手策 公主殿下反悔了 游戏入侵:抢男女主机缘会上瘾诶 重生之炮灰公子 高冷总裁的小娇妻 金手指来斗虐文(gl) 婚色漫漫:霍先生宠妻无度