鸿文书院 > 女生耽美 > Angelato岛留学踩雷日记 > [告示1][告示2][告示3]

[告示1][告示2][告示3](1 / 3)



///// 【Virus& Symptoms】/ /////

Here presents the name of all known virus names and their corresponding symptoms, ranked from highest to lowest based on the number of infected individuals as a percentage of Angelaton total population以下是目前全部已知的病毒名称以及相应感染症状,按感染人数占本国国民人数比例由大到小排列:

1.Fifteen-Minute Madness Virus (FMMV)

十五分钟疯狂病毒 94.3%

Symptoms: Sudden extreme impulsivity, loss of rationality and self-control, hallucinations, acute anxiety, short-term memory loss.突然出现极端冲动,失去理智和自我控制能力,幻觉,急性焦虑,短时记忆丧失。

2. Instant Freeze Virus (IFV)

瞬间冷冻病毒 37.0%

Symptoms: Infected individuals are instantly frozen into ice, lose vital signs, and then thaw out in a few days.感染者在几秒内身体结冰成冰块,失去生命体征,几天内恢复正常。

3. Rapid Growth Virus (RGV)

超速生长病毒 12.5%

Symptoms: Body tissues rapidly grow in an extremely short time, leading to abnormal elongation or swelling of limbs.身体组织在极短的时间内快速生长,导致肢体异常变长或肿胀。

4. Iris Burst Virus (IBV)

虹彩喷发病毒 2.4%

Symptoms: The iris rapidly expands, leading to vision loss, which gradually recovers.虹膜迅速放大,失去视力,然后视力逐渐恢复。

5. Light Infection Virus (LIV)

光线感染病毒 1.3%

Symptoms: The body emits a bright light and body temperature reaches 158°F /70°C , causing extreme sensitivity and discomfort.身体散发明亮光芒,体表温度上升至158华氏度/70摄氏度,感到极度敏感和不适。


[If you have any other unusual symptoms besides the ones mentioned above, please contact the hospital\''s emergency department immediately.如果您出现除了上述症状之外的其他症状,请第一时间联系本医院紧急事件处理部门 ]



///// 【Self-Defense Measures & Recommendations】/ /////

1.Residents can obtain a gun from the city government with their identification card. Each person is allowed to receive only one.Overclaim will result in penalties.居民可凭借身份证前往市政府领取手枪,一人仅可领取一把,如有多领将遭到处分。

2.Each person can come to hospital for suppl

最新小说: 都市武道风云 日光城之约 陆以玫 重生主母摆烂后,冠宠侯府 穿越斗罗之我的系统不服气 相错大佬后我去随军了[七零] 高武:开局反派,我当无敌于世间 四合院:重生58,我狩猎狂欢 魔幻车神之心灵救赎 修仙不如养萌娃